Thursday, March 27, 2008

Gossip And Spring Break

rumors suck. and i know im not the only feeling the pain. (im sure at least some of you know which rumor im talking about, since its going on about 2 of my friends). whoever actually desides that thier going to take the time of day to say bxllshxt stuff about people, then take the time to spread it around, REALLY needs a life. honestly. especially when it comes to the "did you know that so and so are going out?" or "i heard these two people are so totally gay!"
1- whos going out wiht who really isnt that big of deal. yes, i admit it can be interesting, but its not the center of the universe. specially not at our age. 2- there is nothing wrong wiht being gay/bi/etc. honestly, is that really worthy of gossip? ugh. get a life folks.
On a happier note: spring break. hallelujah. much needed. anyone going anywhere? im going to FL, though i dont know where. heaven forbid my family actually plan something out. though just driving into 2am storms and who-knows-what trying to find a hotel makes it all the more interesting :)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ughhhh. LRT's a Pain

i hate LRT. not the class, jsut the work (ok, that shows im lazy). im mostly done, but now my printer isnt working. Go figure. so now i have to wait for my cousins to leave so i can help my stepdad fix it. other then that, ive taken a lotta pics lately. and Easters tomorow. so then i can eat candy and soda agian. which isnt that big of deal.
OH. so i had soccer today. and way to go to most of the girls, i wonder why thier there. they dont want to play. they want to stand there and do minimal work and look at thier cells, even though coach has told them the rules agianst cells. It drives me up the wall. some days, i have to use all my energy just to not kick the ball at thier heads!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


nothing to really talk about today. so i guess ill say that Lent is almost over and so that i can almsot eat candy agian. and drink soda, but i dont really care for the soda anyway so thats not a big deal. i could really go for a reeses. yaaaa :)
oh, and not to meantion that lunch has become a place of food fights at our table. how fun :D

Thursday, March 13, 2008


i dont even know where to begin. this blogs kinda just became a place where im all.... like sad and angry. weird, huh? not really. so now ive deisded something ive wanted to say for a long time. most people dont notice anything. it doesnt matter what it is. and soon as they notice something so plain about you that they wouldnt really notice or a change about you, they fraeak. especially if its not "cool" or "normal". but anything, say, BAD about someone and thye nwont notice. never have a clue. whats up wiht that?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Ignorant People

ok- now reading through this i realize there are parts when i dont even make sense. eek!

im not even going to start wiht a greeting. thatll get this no where. im jsut really freaking pissed off becuase someoneeeee keeps going "are you mad at me? are you mad at me? are you mad at me?" and all i want to say is go to hell but 456789gagillion times i sucked it up and said no. so she puts every little freaking reason why she thinks im mad at her on the table. all TWO reasons. and you know what? its jsut becuase she was a little stupid bxtch i finally snapped. finally. effing. snapped. and now SHES mad at ME. since i told her that she asked me how i was doing afret i had jsut been througha class that i know she knows that i hate and that a specific group of people in that class had jsut been picking on me for the last hour in a half, so for the 15 minutes before she had asked me that i hate been biting through my hand, staring at the wall, and trying not to cry. becuase thats what i do. i try not to take it out on other people, so when she asked me (and i was still practically crying, mind you) she starts a CHEERY conversation. saying this and that. on her FOURTH line in (and totally oblivious to me) she asks how im feeling. like she expects me to say : oh, ive never been better. im so glad you asked! how are you?. and so i gave her the death stare. i dindt even trust myself to speak. not a single word. and i walk away before she can see me cry. which is where this post began. and so now shes like "im so sorry for being nice" and being a total axxhxle about it. saying stuff like "well you had been being nice" and other stuff ot piss me off more. and you know which type of girl this is? the one of those poeple i have stood to protect like no effing other. when i see her making frinends with poeople i think are going to hurt her or somehting, i tell her. i help her wiht everything. hear her rant about everything. and all that jazz so that shes actually happy, since i know she struggles with it. and i jsut want to scream right now. thats all i can do. theres nothing to get the anger out. im nearly crying, while biting my lip, and shaking. nothings helping. not even my writing, which normally helps. the one of two things that can help me. and nothing is working. and now shes mad at me. and its all my fault.

PS. this was an anger post, and there really isnt any use in reading it. its jsut a vent.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

albino blacksheep

im the keeper of good and bad news. good or bad first? alright, good. i have no homework ( i didnt say it was good for YOU) and so i can do what i want tonight. whichll probably be working on upcoming projects. or more realistically, nothing. the bad news is, were having pork chops for dinner. ick. thats gotta be a meal that your mom (or dad, i guess) puts in front of you to torture you. whatever happened to maybe, something like, FAMILY PIZZA NIGHT? ok, the second matter of bad new is that i almost am dreading school. the "lets go hide tals pencil bag to annoy the snot outta her" is not a way to make it on my who-will-live-to-be-eighteen list. Herr probably thinks ive like, a social disorder. WHICH BRINGS ME TO THIS. i had the most ridiculous arguement with my father last night. over being "normal". since i am not 100% "normal", i guess im supposed to mold into being "normal". who the heck sets these standards anyway? bascically the point he seemed to be getting across was if your not narmal, your abnormal, if you abnormal, your weird, and no one likes weird people. this was ridiculous. absolutely ridiculous. no other way to put it other then using a bad word. so now im pretty much the albino blacksheep of the family. not exactly wanted by the "normal people" and not wanted by the outcasts. oh-so-what. ill live. ill prove to them that individuality is a good thing, and just because im one-of-a-kind doesnt make me a freak. even if it did, is that such a bad thing anyway?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Nothings Up

nothing really new. i just feel like posting. so, here i am. posting. a very short post. BUT- volleyball starts soon! YAY! and since ive soccer practise tonight, life aint bad :) and while CF is drivinf up the wall (just barely short of AZ) and not in a bad way, i think CF hit it on the head: i like the attention. which is weird, since you put me with a big group, and i keel over and die. so, i dunno. mayvbe ive like multiple personality disoder or like bipolor or (OMG! we couldnt figure this one out!) SAD. so, who knows