Thursday, May 29, 2008


oh. my. gosh.
so after the band concert (by the way, you guys rocked) i went to DQ with EvC and LJ and we saw a ton of people there. Like PB and AS and TG and a ton of people. and so i had an artic rush, and practically died from the sugar. those who saw probably thought i was insane :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Long Time, No See

havent posted in a while. Ive had a lot of homework and stuff going on. Ive barely had time to read anything the past few days, other then One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest which im reading for LA since ive already read the book theyre doing twice. Ive gotten about 4 pages past the prologue of Under The Banner of Heaven.
and i cant wait for summer. school has gone on and on and on and on this year.