Saturday, December 22, 2007


its finally break! unfortuneltly, im sick. with a cold or something. and its terrible. im now reading Eat Pray Love (Elizabeth Gilbert). its very interesting. i havent been able to ski for a while, but soon ill be going to the mountains to ski, and thatll be fun. i havent much to say, other then it doesnt even feel like the christmas season. "tis the season to be jolly" and its hardly anything but. drama at school, and in the family. its high stress for everyone, but the holidays arent even worth it, it seems, if no one is happy. but i hope to spread at least some joy around.

Friday, December 14, 2007


guten abend
its been awhile since ive posted, since lifes been so crazy. ive been out and about, and the holidays are drawing nearer. exciting, isnt it?
in my science class, weve been learning about photons and lights and such. i love science, but i always have a million questions, wonderin why this and that. so i was asking some questions about photons and how to prove they exsist and things, so my teacher brought me to another teacher at our school who answered my questions amazingly well. im hoping to even learn more about it. Im actually learning not to mind school. this year, some of the things we learn are actually interesting.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Christmas Time

It has finally snowed a massive amount, and its not stopping there. im getting in the Christmas mood, though i've noticed other havent. the point of Christmas isnt recieving everything you wanted off your list, but instead giving others hope and a wonderful time. One song i found to show this is "The Christmas Shoes" (as sang by Bob Carlisle). My own family is completely head over heels about this and that, while i go and do my chores, plus a few extra. not taht i mind. ive been feeling wonderful so that i actually getting outside to go shovel the driveway before school and breakfast. Its a wonderful time of year, if only others could see that too!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Winter is here!

today we (me and some other friends of mine) went sledding, then came back over to my house and watched Transformers. it was awesome! We had an insane snowball fight, and our sledding skills definetely needed some polishing up... the snow is sticking (and thats a wonderful thing). its too bad i have to go back to school tomorow. at least its finally winter!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Let It Snow

it is finally pouring down the snow! we've already a few inches, and theres still more coming down. later today i'l' be our carving turns in the powder, though im wishing i were in Breckenridge. i finished my homework, for the most part. just a little bit more math. i finally finish All Quiet On The Western Front (by Erich Marie Remarque), and while i found the ending predictable, it was an amazing book. I will probably next be reading Pride And Prejudice (by Jane Austen). but back to the snow, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Friday, November 30, 2007


it is finally the weekend. finally! i was going slightly stir-crazy. more like a lot stir-crazy. its supposed to snow this weekend. like, a lot of snow. i cant wait! unfortunetly, i have plenty of homework to get me through tomorow. i'd better get working on that now, or ill never get a chance to go ski.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


so ive been belting out tunes all day today. everything from Annies "Easy Street" and RENTs "Season of Love" to Vertical Horizons "Everything You Want" and Tim McGraws "Tiny Dancer". its just been a sing-it-dance-it day. not that this day started out fantastic. it started terribley, actually. it started getting better after i got out of the house, however. at the moment its great.
and tomorow will only be better, hm?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


ive been skiing a ton resently, and having had much time to post anything. its been great. other then that, my homework (or should i say busy work?) has been overload. most of it is just extra work! it doesnt help, all those time-consuming crosswords and such. it takes ages to complete!
i heard the song I Believe (blessid union of souls) and havent been able to get it out of my head since. it will be going on my favorite songs list. it is an amazing song. i happen to love meaningful songs (not like most of the crap you hear on the radio).
it is supposed to be a big snow storm this weekend. i hope there is, just so that i can finally get around to having a snowball fight with some friends of mine (:

Friday, November 23, 2007

belated thanksgiving

happy belated thanksgiving!
other then that, i have fairly wonderful news: i have relized that we can learn from our grandparents. i never noticed how much interesting stuff my grandfolks have. to some it may seem like junk, but it was pretty cool. maybe it was the lighting ("Proper lighting is everything" -Flipped) or maybe im actually noticing things. either way, im dying to know more.
other then that, im bummed that the hill didnt open today. i was hoping to go ski or board. probably ski. the snow is melting, also. which is terrible. i hope we get more snow, and soon!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


guten tag.
well, its been a long two days. ive been sicker then a dog after drinking a jack daniels, getting ready for the holiday dinner, making lists, and plenty of work to do around the house. i've noticed however, it hasnt had the big snow yet. a few flurries here and there, but not amazing amount of snow at my doorstep or outside my window.

ok, double check. we have snow! a little bit anyway. not even an inch, but were getting there. hmmmmm. maybe snowball season is coming faster then my brother will expect (:

Monday, November 19, 2007

too much to ask?

you'd swear i was the adult in my family, if you saw me from day to day. my whole household is out of control. no one is happy anymore. i do all i can to help, and its never enough. the argueing and shouting and yelling and sulking never stops, and its getting to me. all i want is to get away from this place. i want a place i can be happy, accepted, wanted. is that too much to ask?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happy family

i've desided to use this post as a vent. like just this morning, i heard my stepdad just screeming and yelling and swearing, for something small. ok, i know how it is when you have had a bad day, or week, and something small happens and you just snap but this happens alot. my mom is the same, and its just getting to me. i hate it, just like i hate my life, most of the time. no matter how much i despise school, its a way to get away from my house. when im at my dads, its different, but no better. hes always working, or with his girlfriend. it makes me realize that i come from such an unhappy family. what ever happened to the people who wanted to be together? i always am trying to help out, but it just seems to make everything worse. and when i dont help out, then i feel bad or my family gets mad at me. there are days when i just want to run away, or just disappear. but when you've been fighting yourself for years on end and no one seems to care or even notice, well- lets just say that your thinking or ways to break free. Jail doesnt have to have iron bars. its terrible. i have friends that arent happy, and some are too the point were they are depressed. its rubbing off on me, even though i want to be able to say taht everything will be alright in the end. i dont know if thats true, but i hope it is. all ive been asking for resently is too be happy, and to be who i want to be. but i am not even shure that my friends would even want me around if i was who i am. i am already changing, but i dont know if its for better or worse. so help us all.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

bored beyond reason

i was so bored, i desided to create a blog. how wonderful. i dont really have any idea of waht to say on here, so i'll probably just ramble. pay no mind. i barely know how a blog works. therefore (ok, as i said, im a rambler) i might not even post anything more then once a month. ok, probably more like twice a week. how cool, right? not. i need to find a hobby to last me until it finally snows. or i take a vacation to the mountains. im an outdoorsy person, for the most part. by the way, im not going to bother on grammer for the most part. and so i'll go find something else to do, like the stack of homework sitting on my desk.