Thursday, February 28, 2008


so im planning on going to the movies this weekend, since its been awhile and i have next to none for a social life. any suggestions?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Weekends *shakes head*

it has been the longest, shortest weekend ever. it is seemingly taking forever to get through these 2 (And an half if you count friday night) days, but its also been really short. its the oddest thing. And ive already finished my homework, so i guess i should just go and read. but for once, i dont really feel like reading. or drawing. or getting my camera out. Yet, at the same time, im going stir-crazy. it must be Earth-stopped-turning weekend or something.
Oh well, ill go find something productive to do.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Fun Fun Fun

so, im going to the elementary school carnival deal tonihgt. it should be interesting. i didnt even go to that elemtary school, but im going wiht my friends and itll be fun. i dont even live all that far from the school. i also have some homework, but that can wait. thank gosh its the weekend. i was going, like, nutty at school.
right now im making mac and cheese. and not that kraft stuff out of the box. but im not making homemade either, even though i make some killer homemade mac and cheese, if i do say so myself. im making some organic stuff. to my brothers shock, it tastes incredibley good from something that isnt kraft. i dont know why he even likes that stuff, but oh well. and now to go eat that dinner (:

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ahho! Math Class Ahead!

so ive been working on homework, and ive desided to take a break. especially from math. my assignment includes (and im not kidding, i counted) seven full proofs, not including those A- B- C- answering thing ones. well, i like proofs *gasp from audience* but thats a lot. All good things in moderation. though the good thing be not homework. i really dont have much to do tonight though, other then tetris. so i suppose this would be a good night to finish it.
Oh, and so were having a connect four tourniment in class. i am playing a friend of mine, TC, who is insanely good at the game. good for him. weve played one of our three games (he defeated me on that first game) but hopefully ill corner him next round. and hey, when hes in that championship round other then me, ill cheer him on. ill just hope i get one win out of playing him.
who knows, maybe ill be the one to go the the champ round? HA long shot. now back to proofs.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day (ugh)

so its valentines day. big deal. big flipping whoop. of course, i wore pink, and red, and sparkles, and a heart today. and you know what? Cupid isnt even immortal. i shot him. straight in the flippin heart. then in the butt. and you know with what? a stupid heart arrow hes always shooting at everyone else. Who needs Valentines Day, when shouldnt we be spreading the love every day? its just an excuse people use to go to parties or get a date or waht not. not to be downer of the bunch, of course. oh well. its only a day a year. ill live. Though i love how days where your just looking around (if your me) you notice a whole lot. Like who is actually really mean. and who actually seems to see you. im shocked [all right, not really. i just didnt want to admit this type of stuff before. how selfish of me]
oh, and the zoo (for the Deutsch trip) was awesome yesterday. kind of chaotic, but it rocked. i love the trip to the zoo. i always get put with my friends in my group, so its not like im with people i dont really know. ohhhhhhhh yaaaaaaaaa. four day weekend, so party on (:

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Long Days

it has seemed to be the longest week ever. time is passing so slow! my brother has a hockey tourniemnt this weekend, so i get a vacation... i think? i desperately need one. its like the Shakespeare of dramas in my school life, and im sick of it. From people calling me liars and backstabbing each other and just a load of crap. its so pointless. just trying to focus on schoolwork is hard enough, but throw the Ophelias into the mix and its ridiculous. oh well. things can only get better, right?

PS. Thanks (you know who you are)