Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day (ugh)

so its valentines day. big deal. big flipping whoop. of course, i wore pink, and red, and sparkles, and a heart today. and you know what? Cupid isnt even immortal. i shot him. straight in the flippin heart. then in the butt. and you know with what? a stupid heart arrow hes always shooting at everyone else. Who needs Valentines Day, when shouldnt we be spreading the love every day? its just an excuse people use to go to parties or get a date or waht not. not to be downer of the bunch, of course. oh well. its only a day a year. ill live. Though i love how days where your just looking around (if your me) you notice a whole lot. Like who is actually really mean. and who actually seems to see you. im shocked [all right, not really. i just didnt want to admit this type of stuff before. how selfish of me]
oh, and the zoo (for the Deutsch trip) was awesome yesterday. kind of chaotic, but it rocked. i love the trip to the zoo. i always get put with my friends in my group, so its not like im with people i dont really know. ohhhhhhhh yaaaaaaaaa. four day weekend, so party on (:

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