Wednesday, March 5, 2008

albino blacksheep

im the keeper of good and bad news. good or bad first? alright, good. i have no homework ( i didnt say it was good for YOU) and so i can do what i want tonight. whichll probably be working on upcoming projects. or more realistically, nothing. the bad news is, were having pork chops for dinner. ick. thats gotta be a meal that your mom (or dad, i guess) puts in front of you to torture you. whatever happened to maybe, something like, FAMILY PIZZA NIGHT? ok, the second matter of bad new is that i almost am dreading school. the "lets go hide tals pencil bag to annoy the snot outta her" is not a way to make it on my who-will-live-to-be-eighteen list. Herr probably thinks ive like, a social disorder. WHICH BRINGS ME TO THIS. i had the most ridiculous arguement with my father last night. over being "normal". since i am not 100% "normal", i guess im supposed to mold into being "normal". who the heck sets these standards anyway? bascically the point he seemed to be getting across was if your not narmal, your abnormal, if you abnormal, your weird, and no one likes weird people. this was ridiculous. absolutely ridiculous. no other way to put it other then using a bad word. so now im pretty much the albino blacksheep of the family. not exactly wanted by the "normal people" and not wanted by the outcasts. oh-so-what. ill live. ill prove to them that individuality is a good thing, and just because im one-of-a-kind doesnt make me a freak. even if it did, is that such a bad thing anyway?


Anonymous said...

You kidding? I love porkchops!

Talyna said...

are you serious?

Anonymous said...


JymiRine said...

what do you mean not wanted by the outkasts!

Talyna said...

none of the outcasts of my family want me! they even think im a freak!

JymiRine said...

ME too!

Talyna said...

really? and i figured i was the only one!