Saturday, June 28, 2008

what the..?!

Confusion: (noun) 1. The act of confusing. *thats real helpful*
2. the state of being confused *hmm...*
3. disorder; upheaval; tumult; chaos *Thats more like it!*

(above definition from

the truth: Confusion: the act of one's brain making sure that at no time or moment is one ever
sure of themselves, the world around them, or anything that one thinks they know for a
fact or opinion.



eat me.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


i dont like doctors.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


i got a hair cut. or many hairs cut. any way you want to look at it. so i was down and out for a few days, which sucked. and i managed to miss a soccer practise and a couple games because of it. which kinda makes me mad. but at least im fine for the tourney this weekend. yay.

Monday, June 16, 2008

turtles, lakes and other things

i got bit by a turtle yesterday. when trying to save it from these boys who were harassing it. and so i saved it, getting bit by the process. and so i got to spend some time at the docs. no stitches or anything, which is good. so afterword i got to go for a walk with my mom and my 2 youngest siblings around the lake. it was pretty cool. ya. i've been looking for photography galleries around here, and if theyre interestiong to go to. i know of two, but i havent been to either. and im planning on going to that hopefully interesting exhibit at the science museum, or i want to. yay.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hmm (and other thoughts)

hope your guys' summers have been good. actually, great. but ya. soooo.... ive decided to be sure to get back up to speed on my guitar. and bike alot. and keep my room clean. oh, and ive decided what i will be. and so ive desided to start the school search to get me there.
ya. kinda weird. im sure plenty of you are like "how dont you know where you want to go?" or something along those lines. maybe not. i dunno. all i know is that no matter how great summer is, it doesnt really seem summer-y. and yes, the weather today challenges that fact. ive been outside since 9:30 though, and considering the fact im not really a sunshine person, thats pretty good. or not. and im sorta rambling. so yaaaa. see you guys around.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


summer is here! woohoo! i finally finished Under The Banner Of Heaven, but I could go on a rather long rant if i decided to talk about that. At the cabin i decided to try kayaking, and i loved it. so thats on the agenda [if anyone wants to join me, feel free (: ] of course, the person i was borrowing from told me to go ahead and use it, because he lives in tx, so he doesnt get out there much. and so i was kayaking, and manage to get pulled of by the sheriff due to not have registered the kayak since it was above 9' and i didnt know. lucky, i managed to get off with jsut a warning. other then that i mostly have just been playing soccer and reading. oh, and running. running is a good chunk of my morning. Ya, so all in all, so far so good.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


its official. LRT is there to take up time that could be useful as a study hall. OR EVEN BETTER! to add on extra projects and stuff that will be the end of me! X.X
the art fair was cool though. And i got some new cassettes. woohoo! (yaaa. mood swing, anyone?)
anyone know of any cassette stores in the area? i know of only one.