Thursday, June 12, 2008


summer is here! woohoo! i finally finished Under The Banner Of Heaven, but I could go on a rather long rant if i decided to talk about that. At the cabin i decided to try kayaking, and i loved it. so thats on the agenda [if anyone wants to join me, feel free (: ] of course, the person i was borrowing from told me to go ahead and use it, because he lives in tx, so he doesnt get out there much. and so i was kayaking, and manage to get pulled of by the sheriff due to not have registered the kayak since it was above 9' and i didnt know. lucky, i managed to get off with jsut a warning. other then that i mostly have just been playing soccer and reading. oh, and running. running is a good chunk of my morning. Ya, so all in all, so far so good.

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