Saturday, October 3, 2009

Homework. Is. Life?

I think it might.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

It's Been Awhile

It's been what seems like forever since I've last posted! Partially due to our fabulous homework load now, I suppose. Nothing entirely new or exciting has been happening. Just homework and drama, mixed in with some surprises and some fun. I'm actually kind of getting excited for homecoming, which I would never have expected last year. I'm just going with some friends, which I think is for the best considering the recent circumstances, of course. The football game was awesome, it's too bad there isn't more home games. It'd be even better though if we had some real fall weather! It's been nothing except super hot for what seems like forever now, and it's really getting tiring. I just can't wait for it to get cold(er) agian!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Well, we are a good amount into the summer. I've only seen a handful of friends really, other than when I randomly run into people at the grocery store or something. Most people I've tried to talk to end up being super busy, it seems. Unless, of course, that is just an excuse (and if it is, they might as well just say so). Music, reading, and computer are almost my entire summer. With the exception of going up to our cabin (frequently). Oh, and the stables. I can't believe I forgot about that. The stables have taken up plenty of time too, and are probably the best part of the season. (sorry guys :P). Yeah, I pretty much summed up my current life there in a paragraph. Except for one part. The remodeling. We redid a ton of our house (as a few can say they saw the construction part of the deal) and we finally have the new carpet in, along with most of the painting. We are still doing the kitchen though. We're missing a wall in the kitchen now, and my personal guess is that fixing that up won't get done until I grow old and die. Our stuff isn't back in place yet, or anything. I happen to like my room, a lot. Especially since I actually got to pick the colors. I can't wait to put everything back in place, and get rid of all the stuff I don't want. The best part of my new room? The door actually shuts, and stays shut. It even has a lock! The idea of not getting walked in on was pretty much... well, hard to get used to. Plus, my room is a lot smaller now, so I was allowed to take the single bed, and have my brother take my old one, which was a queen sized (leftovers from an ex of someone in the house). I know that may seem an odd swap, but I didn't like that bed, at all. It fits my brother much better, considering his height. Soon as the clutter is gone, I think I will be more then happy with how the house turns out. Okay, now that is the sum of my life right now, in simple terms :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


GUESS WHAT SEASON IT IS! (not that the weather shows it...)
YEP, ITS SUMMER! Parties (heh... hehe...), and soccer games, and SLEEP, and popsicles, and many other very good things. So far, I've almost finished painting my room and will be partially moved into it as of monday! Fr those of you who dont know, I swapped rooms with the office. Lots of time with my friends is coming up, and three months of not reading from a textbook, only to realize most of it is being used to fill up some more of the school year... oh, and I finally got a new computer! im so happy! Gmail actually loads within ten minutes and HOLY COW! It actually turns on! :)
While I'm working for my mom this summer (nannying/babysitting. we'll see how this fairs), I actually have a ton of free time. No camps, no sports practices 4-5 nights a week, or anything really. Not even any trips, except for a few to cabins. Hmm, i think this year will be interesting. Very interesting.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Schools almost done. For me, four more days. I really can't wait for summer vacation, but does anyone else get the idea that this last week will suck? how many tests are we having, and how many are actual finals? Talk about a buzzkill. I haven't posted on here for forever. Such a bummer. Summer= a long time of doing nothing :) yay!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Don't Bother

I havent posted in a while. Schools been taking over my life pretty much, so why stop now? At least track has started, whihc is a blast. But gah! some of the teachers! a certain teacher is even counting me at the moment as not having a legislative poster (ok... wtf? they forgot to count me on the sheet. how lovely) and she is now "deciding what we should do about it". ok, obviously i get it and I do a good amount of the work whenever I work in a group with those guys. Actually, normally it's all the work. So this just sent me over the top. I tried to help as much as possible, and I know i helped on the planning, but they wouldn;t let me do anything else. the two that did the "all the work" (im quoting because this was one of those gazillion days that i was gone this quarter) said that they would definately count me because me helping plan and brainstorm was already more work then the other two did. Not to meantion that I pretty much destroyed multiple summative assessments in multiple classes, so it looks like unless something very big changes that I wont even make A honor roll. My life isn't getting an A :P how sad that I find that this is the most important thing in my mental world right now. But after you put in so many hours into your work, you kind of want to be seen as decent. Which brings me to another teacher we all love (...or not.). On my paper, the questions that I specifically asked well before turning it in, and doing exactly as she said, she marked me down on. And one of the points she marked me down on (in the grammar category) she said, and this is all honest, that she actually didn't know the rule in my case. That killed me. I'm not expecting her to know every rule of every book, but it was still irratating. mech.

And another schoolyear slithers slowly onward...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I have began (and i guess now finished?) to strongly dislike registration time. and not just for school. Track, and the other stuff to :P and i feel like i havent written anything on here for a while, becuase there really isn't much to say at this point. Im mildly annoyed that it's supposed to get to 20? degrees this weekend. i couldnt havev been the only one hoping to beable to lounge around in shorts (which i pretty much do anyway, even if its really cold. i just cant be seen in public if its below like, 45-55 degrees or something? i odnt even know anymore). oh, and now i understand the "mech, health" i heard quite a bit of. no kidding, it really does suck. not as bad as some classes, whcih for the sake of a few people who may like them i wont say anything about, that i could do wihtout. now off to the homework which i shouldve started 4 hours ago!


Sunday, January 25, 2009


Becuase most of us already know what went down, Ill just say it was a blast :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I may or may not have just found the love of my horse life :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I dont have anything to post today, but i feel like posting anyway.