Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Plenty been going on. I mean, not jsut school but wiht friends and family and everything else to. So family, its kinda just same old same old, but its actually kind of more twisted? i cant exactly explain how though. To school: i figured itd get better, but its not. in fact, id say its getting worse. its getting rather boring witha side of terrible. I like seeing you guys though :) and my grades arent so bad as i thought they would be. i thought id be at all B-'s or lower. but actually, ive been doing okay in most of my classes. the only ones i really will have to watch are econ and physics, and government with the service project (on which i shall geta good grade, even being solo! no matter what he says!). To friends: i actually am getting to know people! That part of everything is actually interesting. i have a semi-social life! woohoo! and then, theres everything else. Like at the stables, Natoon (one of the horses i ride) is getting better at not shying! which is like a miracle, considering where we were when i first rode him. He used to get scared at practically everything, including the cones, the gates, the door into the stable, and the tractor that stays in there. At the gym, apparently i am getting a lot better? i actually like what we do there, so thats cool. and i like my extracurricular activities. But im kind of wishing i didnt quit debate. maybe thats jsut Dustin trying to guilt me, but whatever. i know that theres no way i would be able to handle it, so i think i made the right choice, but still. Oh, and as for this weekend. Probably i'll attempt at a Sleepfest, and/or "relaxing". HA! but if anyone wants ot join me and watch some cheesy movies, feel free :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Im glad its the 5-day weekend. i could seriously use it- as could we all. Last night i slept at EvC, with MJ. It was pretty fun. We stayed up til about 1 30 AM just googling stuff and joking around. which was pretty fun. and today i get to go back to the stables for the first time in weeks! but other then that, i dont really have much going on for the weekend, other then finishing up some projects and stuff. pretty minimal homework, which is like "YESSSSSS!". i get to fill up my weekend sleeping and reading and walking and chilling. Its too bad a lot of people are going out of town though.
oh, and as another note, sorry. really, i am.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Is there a word for this?

fantastic. so for those of you who know my religious beliefs (which are somewhere between agnostic and athestic, i still have a lot to learn before i really know where i am), get this:
im watching a movie with my brother and sister. were having a pretty decent time. first time id been feeling 95% okay in quite a while.
my family never goes to church. like, never. unless its christmas or easter. and even then, my mom and stepdad try to get everyone to leave earlier (doesnt this tell you something? personally, i think it does. ). and she becomes pissed at me for having a different belief than her, which i find absolutely ridiculous. but back to what i was saying....
so my mom comes downstairs. "be ready in 45 minutes. were going to mass" i was like wtf? "why." "because i said so" great reasoning mom.... if i tell her i wont go, shell be pissed and make me feel guilty. if i go, ill probably become ever unhappier (at that moment i was back to 15%). That pretty much gives me the option of going. Sure, ill be respectful. but i wont act happy. and if i participate in any standing or anything, im not going to like it. we'll see how this goes...
on the other had: debating yesterday. oh boy. what to say? ill keep mum on this, but i will say i dont think that im staying in debate. Actually, you can just read rebecca's post. she describes it well.
i almost cant wait for school tomorrow.

PS. i dont mean to offend anyone, if anyone is offended.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Restating the moment

Basically this is a restatement of the last post. But I feel like typing it out.

Im seeing Maggie's point. Too much, really.
and I really dont want to get up for debate tomorrow. The more I have school, the less I want debate. Sure, I want to stay on the team. I want to be good at it- really, I do. But the balance of school with activities (which, of course, pretty much are consisting of the team right now) and just basic needs (LIKE SLEEP) is really hard. If it's possible to break a human, this is getting close. I want a break so bad, a break from everything. Every single thing. I guess there are good things, like doing well on a test, and having fun at the football game [by the way, for those of you in band, you guys rocked (: ] but other stuff is just... *sigh*. Theres been a lot of stuff going on recently, and I'm worried if I can handle it. Its just been a rather stressful rough patch, I guess.
Oh well.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

well well well

School sucks. to a point. some points of it i dont mind, like seeing my friends. but other parts- like seeing people i dont really want to be around- really bother me. I'm kinda confused about a lot of things, and i feel very swamped with homeowrk and stuff. on top of that, my parents have dropped a 80-pound load on my shoulders to, thanks to some family stuff going on right now, which im trying to juggle with school and debate and getting enough time to eat. ugh. i dont like it. but on the bright side, ill probalby learn a lot this year. heh, hopefully. and at least im not sick. which is a good sign. it feels like a ton of people have been getting ill, so to those of you, i hope you feel better!