Friday, October 3, 2008

Restating the moment

Basically this is a restatement of the last post. But I feel like typing it out.

Im seeing Maggie's point. Too much, really.
and I really dont want to get up for debate tomorrow. The more I have school, the less I want debate. Sure, I want to stay on the team. I want to be good at it- really, I do. But the balance of school with activities (which, of course, pretty much are consisting of the team right now) and just basic needs (LIKE SLEEP) is really hard. If it's possible to break a human, this is getting close. I want a break so bad, a break from everything. Every single thing. I guess there are good things, like doing well on a test, and having fun at the football game [by the way, for those of you in band, you guys rocked (: ] but other stuff is just... *sigh*. Theres been a lot of stuff going on recently, and I'm worried if I can handle it. Its just been a rather stressful rough patch, I guess.
Oh well.

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