Saturday, September 6, 2008


first week of school is over! yay. i guess school its self really wasnt so bad, but it kinda of was terrible. i fidgeted through everyclass pretty much. but i dont have any homework this weekend! so last night i went to the game, and a lot of peopel who i dont normally see there were there. like michael, jonathan, matt, piper, and someone else, but i forgot who :(
i have dinner with my stepgrandparents today. it shall be interesting. very interesting. i miss summer. but i want the fall weather.
a little bit of a school note: i hate econ. it probably wouldnt be so bad if i had people i talk to in that class (or people that talk to me!) but its just wierd. i end up sitting by myself until the moment class starts when though "cool" girls walk into class, see theres no where else they can all sit together, and finally take over my table. and food/nutrition is going to suck. ive a few friends in there, but other then that its like i have a ton of super annoying people. but that at least will be an easy class. then theres gov. i have a ton of people i know in gov, but only like, one person that i end up talking to in school. and another one that i end up talking to, but only in that class. because all the poeple i know in that class i pretty much dont end up really talking to at school. ela isnt so bad, and i like art and physics. but while i like my math class, i can.not. stand the actual math. algebra is possibley my least favorite thing i have to do in school. (other then grammar, of course).

1 comment:

JymiRine said...

me too! about the econ thing at least i sit in the back and sorta huddle in the corner and i dont even have people who sit by me in econ:(