Monday, September 15, 2008


so Kris sent my some music in german, which i ended up really liking. mostly for the sounf, because while i can tell what most of it means, i cant say waht all of it is. but theres other music ive found recently that ive really liked. such as music by Ataris, Brand New, Bright Eyes, From First to Last, This Day and Age, A Day to Remember, The Early November, Juliana Theory, Sick Puppies, Bedlight For Blue Eyes, Motion City Soundtrack, Format, Acceptance, Mae, Scenes from a Movie, Rise Agianst, and theres a ton more but those are jsut a few.
eh, better go make some dinner.


Anonymous said...

Have you seen the video for "Free Hugs"? That has a song by Sick Puppies.

JymiRine said...

thats all great music!^.^ espacially
rise against best punk band around and the last post makes no sense and i know that i have no idea what your talking i do know Walking in the rain is fun

Talyna said...

yeah, ive seen the "free hugs video" and i love music, and i think its good music too!