Monday, September 22, 2008

i dont know how to explain whats going on. i dont even know where to begin with it. its jsut this nasty feeling eating away at me each and every day. i cant focus, or work, or even think straight. its not that i have a lot of energy either. i mean, i sometimes will, but most of the time im jsut at a crash. its jsut an ugly mess of conflicting characters in me, and its jsut getting worse and worse. There moments where i swear im the stupidest moron in the whole world, that i cant do anything right, and within the hour ill randomly change and bvecome a ego-maniac. its like... what the hell.
but then with homeowkr and stuff too to work on, which may actually be a good thing so im not focusing on anything to negative. so mostly if just been losing my social life (or what of it i had to begin with) and becoming closer to my teenager-going-cat-lady self. stupid adolescence.


e2 said...

awwww... hang in there, steph.

Anonymous said...

Multiple Personalities?

Just kidding. Hang in there. You can make it! If you want I'll buy a cheer-leading outfit and cheer you on! The weekend is soon, then not long after that we have MEA, then soon Thanksgiving, then Winter, then some random days off, then Spring, then Memorial Day, then Summer! Feel better! Please?

JymiRine said...

-.- youll get through i know you will and cat lady?hehe that would be weird