Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy turn-of-the-years in 3 hours 6 minutes? (according to my unreliable clock). yay for 2009? well see....

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Break is going by too fast :(

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Today sucked.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

So i went to a stable party yesterday. It was pretty fun. Mostly just hanging around and chatting and stuff. So i ended up leaving most of my homework for today. Not a very good idea, but whatever. I cant wait for break.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Im such a procrastinator. this is going to be a great weekend.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Does anyone have a copy of Everything Is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer that they would be willing to let me borrow?

Saturday, November 15, 2008


So i went to the play today. It was awesome. i had a lightbulb moment (yeah... i found out how the 1st and 2nd book in Narnia are related.. heh..). AND IM NOW PARANOID, THANKS GUYS. other then that, im devoted to homework this weekend. maybe if i work hard enough tomorrow ill even get ahead in a class or two :) not likely, unfocused as i am, but its worth a shot. hm... oh, and happy belated birthday to the 2340987234098 billion gazillion people who had birthdays this past week! hmm... i remeber having something else to post, but now i cant remeber what it is *sighhh*

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Day After Halloween!

happy halloween! i wouldve posted that yesterday, but i was wired and tired and lazy and way to hyped for normal word process. i wouldnt have been ending up in anything readable. so trick or treating was AWESOME! I got lots of candy. And i crashed my dad's party, where the food was pretty decent. OH AND QUARTER ONE IS DONE! only 3/4ths of the school year yet to go!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Plenty been going on. I mean, not jsut school but wiht friends and family and everything else to. So family, its kinda just same old same old, but its actually kind of more twisted? i cant exactly explain how though. To school: i figured itd get better, but its not. in fact, id say its getting worse. its getting rather boring witha side of terrible. I like seeing you guys though :) and my grades arent so bad as i thought they would be. i thought id be at all B-'s or lower. but actually, ive been doing okay in most of my classes. the only ones i really will have to watch are econ and physics, and government with the service project (on which i shall geta good grade, even being solo! no matter what he says!). To friends: i actually am getting to know people! That part of everything is actually interesting. i have a semi-social life! woohoo! and then, theres everything else. Like at the stables, Natoon (one of the horses i ride) is getting better at not shying! which is like a miracle, considering where we were when i first rode him. He used to get scared at practically everything, including the cones, the gates, the door into the stable, and the tractor that stays in there. At the gym, apparently i am getting a lot better? i actually like what we do there, so thats cool. and i like my extracurricular activities. But im kind of wishing i didnt quit debate. maybe thats jsut Dustin trying to guilt me, but whatever. i know that theres no way i would be able to handle it, so i think i made the right choice, but still. Oh, and as for this weekend. Probably i'll attempt at a Sleepfest, and/or "relaxing". HA! but if anyone wants ot join me and watch some cheesy movies, feel free :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Im glad its the 5-day weekend. i could seriously use it- as could we all. Last night i slept at EvC, with MJ. It was pretty fun. We stayed up til about 1 30 AM just googling stuff and joking around. which was pretty fun. and today i get to go back to the stables for the first time in weeks! but other then that, i dont really have much going on for the weekend, other then finishing up some projects and stuff. pretty minimal homework, which is like "YESSSSSS!". i get to fill up my weekend sleeping and reading and walking and chilling. Its too bad a lot of people are going out of town though.
oh, and as another note, sorry. really, i am.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Is there a word for this?

fantastic. so for those of you who know my religious beliefs (which are somewhere between agnostic and athestic, i still have a lot to learn before i really know where i am), get this:
im watching a movie with my brother and sister. were having a pretty decent time. first time id been feeling 95% okay in quite a while.
my family never goes to church. like, never. unless its christmas or easter. and even then, my mom and stepdad try to get everyone to leave earlier (doesnt this tell you something? personally, i think it does. ). and she becomes pissed at me for having a different belief than her, which i find absolutely ridiculous. but back to what i was saying....
so my mom comes downstairs. "be ready in 45 minutes. were going to mass" i was like wtf? "why." "because i said so" great reasoning mom.... if i tell her i wont go, shell be pissed and make me feel guilty. if i go, ill probably become ever unhappier (at that moment i was back to 15%). That pretty much gives me the option of going. Sure, ill be respectful. but i wont act happy. and if i participate in any standing or anything, im not going to like it. we'll see how this goes...
on the other had: debating yesterday. oh boy. what to say? ill keep mum on this, but i will say i dont think that im staying in debate. Actually, you can just read rebecca's post. she describes it well.
i almost cant wait for school tomorrow.

PS. i dont mean to offend anyone, if anyone is offended.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Restating the moment

Basically this is a restatement of the last post. But I feel like typing it out.

Im seeing Maggie's point. Too much, really.
and I really dont want to get up for debate tomorrow. The more I have school, the less I want debate. Sure, I want to stay on the team. I want to be good at it- really, I do. But the balance of school with activities (which, of course, pretty much are consisting of the team right now) and just basic needs (LIKE SLEEP) is really hard. If it's possible to break a human, this is getting close. I want a break so bad, a break from everything. Every single thing. I guess there are good things, like doing well on a test, and having fun at the football game [by the way, for those of you in band, you guys rocked (: ] but other stuff is just... *sigh*. Theres been a lot of stuff going on recently, and I'm worried if I can handle it. Its just been a rather stressful rough patch, I guess.
Oh well.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

well well well

School sucks. to a point. some points of it i dont mind, like seeing my friends. but other parts- like seeing people i dont really want to be around- really bother me. I'm kinda confused about a lot of things, and i feel very swamped with homeowrk and stuff. on top of that, my parents have dropped a 80-pound load on my shoulders to, thanks to some family stuff going on right now, which im trying to juggle with school and debate and getting enough time to eat. ugh. i dont like it. but on the bright side, ill probalby learn a lot this year. heh, hopefully. and at least im not sick. which is a good sign. it feels like a ton of people have been getting ill, so to those of you, i hope you feel better!

Monday, September 22, 2008

i dont know how to explain whats going on. i dont even know where to begin with it. its jsut this nasty feeling eating away at me each and every day. i cant focus, or work, or even think straight. its not that i have a lot of energy either. i mean, i sometimes will, but most of the time im jsut at a crash. its jsut an ugly mess of conflicting characters in me, and its jsut getting worse and worse. There moments where i swear im the stupidest moron in the whole world, that i cant do anything right, and within the hour ill randomly change and bvecome a ego-maniac. its like... what the hell.
but then with homeowkr and stuff too to work on, which may actually be a good thing so im not focusing on anything to negative. so mostly if just been losing my social life (or what of it i had to begin with) and becoming closer to my teenager-going-cat-lady self. stupid adolescence.

Friday, September 19, 2008


i cant believe how much homework it seems like ive had recently. its just kinda been a crazy week. and the lack of sleep has me feeling like my head is in a murky fog... its an odd feeling. i also feel like ive b een whining alot to people, so im sorrfy for that. not that this is an excuse, but its just been a little difficult in my life right now. so ive been a little whiney and snappish.
oh, is anyone going to the GAC nobel conference?

Monday, September 15, 2008


so Kris sent my some music in german, which i ended up really liking. mostly for the sounf, because while i can tell what most of it means, i cant say waht all of it is. but theres other music ive found recently that ive really liked. such as music by Ataris, Brand New, Bright Eyes, From First to Last, This Day and Age, A Day to Remember, The Early November, Juliana Theory, Sick Puppies, Bedlight For Blue Eyes, Motion City Soundtrack, Format, Acceptance, Mae, Scenes from a Movie, Rise Agianst, and theres a ton more but those are jsut a few.
eh, better go make some dinner.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Zzzzz.... (i wish)

i am so tired! but the overnights were insanely fun! there was all the rain, and the walking, and the Truth (schools gonna be a little awkward for a little bit....). i loved the rain, and the walking.
and then there was the trip down memory lane. remeber the main center-cafeteria was? we walked to that. and i swear that meadow-y feild was a ton bigger back when we made smores there! like, at least twice as big. it holds so many memories. and the grass under the buckets? O.o
and then there was that turkey. (which, by the way, i think ate the food that was spilled, it wasnt there this morning. HUNGRY TURKEY!)
and then the whole beautifulness of the forest and grasses and such in the gray-ness. t was lovely.
and i would write more on that and stuff, but im tired. and hungry agian. so i may write more later...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


yesterday sucked. hands down, it was the worst day of the year so far. so first, i just had a rough morning getting up and whatever, tripping everywhere and everything. but then i get to German. i hate german. it is a very very stupid class. i just take it becuase i can speak it fairly well compared to my class. so im sitting in my class talking to EvC, NY, and JW. ya, first mistake there is talking to all three at the same time. so you know those mistkes that didnt really hurt anyone, it was jsut a stupid thing you did that you wish that people let you move on from? ya, they started talking about that (like, as in my mistake), cept NY didnt know what it was. and i know that both EvC and JW both know it bothers me. so they jsut keep making fun of me. and let me tell you, i can generally not show how hurt i am in school, but man, i pretty much was passing my abilities. so NY just keeps asking and asking and asking and i keep saying no! finally, i just leave the room. when i come back, i made sure it was really obvious that i was pissed, becuase i knew they had told her. i pretty much didnt talk to them the rest of class. so then later that nihgt, AZ texts m e asking what was wrong in german. so i basically tell him what i tell you, minus the initials. now lets think.... what is the last thing you want to hear/read at this point? lets just give a random thought to it... how bout "what was the mistake?" UGH. THATS EXACTLY WHAT HE ASKS.
and so i pretty much died i was so upset. but the travel back in time to the rest of the school day, i pretty much managed to die in every class, econ included. so ya. not a happy camper. yet somehow beats being around the house.
oh, and im hoping to join debate and someother clubs that might sound interesting.
and i might get to go on DC. but my dad made this into a political issue, so who knows. he manages to find a way to bring anything to politics that you ask. and he wonders why i never come and talk to him.... honestly. just this morning i asked about the Europeans testing or whatever the "Big Bang" and he managed to bring this to how we waste our money a certian countries (the main one ill remained unnamed, but some of you could figure it out if you know my dad). it was ridiculous. i ask a science Q, and he starts spazzing. because that exactly how i wanted to spend my morning. definately.
ugh. what a last-forty-eight-hours?

Saturday, September 6, 2008


first week of school is over! yay. i guess school its self really wasnt so bad, but it kinda of was terrible. i fidgeted through everyclass pretty much. but i dont have any homework this weekend! so last night i went to the game, and a lot of peopel who i dont normally see there were there. like michael, jonathan, matt, piper, and someone else, but i forgot who :(
i have dinner with my stepgrandparents today. it shall be interesting. very interesting. i miss summer. but i want the fall weather.
a little bit of a school note: i hate econ. it probably wouldnt be so bad if i had people i talk to in that class (or people that talk to me!) but its just wierd. i end up sitting by myself until the moment class starts when though "cool" girls walk into class, see theres no where else they can all sit together, and finally take over my table. and food/nutrition is going to suck. ive a few friends in there, but other then that its like i have a ton of super annoying people. but that at least will be an easy class. then theres gov. i have a ton of people i know in gov, but only like, one person that i end up talking to in school. and another one that i end up talking to, but only in that class. because all the poeple i know in that class i pretty much dont end up really talking to at school. ela isnt so bad, and i like art and physics. but while i like my math class, i can.not. stand the actual math. algebra is possibley my least favorite thing i have to do in school. (other then grammar, of course).

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


oh my gosh
x.x school pictures today. they sucked. i hate school pictures. they can eat my socks. and to make it even better i was standing by indy, and keagan and beaupre. and they were just annoying. and then i got my schedule. which, it isnt so bad. i like most of the teachers i have. but im nervous to see whos in my classes. because i really dont want the super-disruptive-thinks-thier-funny-when-thier-not morons. because that gets old really fast. but i think that maybe school wont be so bad this year. though i havent started my book for ela yet (i knowwww i have to get on that) but maybe ill start tomorow. and RK and i have math together! which will rule! (last year i felt rahter out of the loop in my math class, other the ER. no offence to the others in there) so thatll rule. though it sucks summer is coming to an end :( even though i like the fall weather that comes with school :)

Friday, August 1, 2008


my cousins are coming into town, which should be interesting. veryyyyyyyy interesting. and to spice it up even more, my mom is inviting her whole family to a birthday dinner for my poppy at our house. all 4 of her siblings and there families. not including my three siblings, thats eleven cousins, which doesnt seem like a lot (my dads side has more) but only two are older then 12 years old. so 9 kids 12 and under, but almost all of those kids have no concept of "indoor voice" and what walking is. it will be mass chaos. that horrible type of chaos. ish.
but i get to stay at a cabin tonight. which should be fun. yay!
and soccer try-outs are coming up O.O

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

mmnphhh -.-

so ive decided while i like the break from school, i hate summer. well, not hate. but close. its freaking hot and people are worse in the summer and its just gah!
oh, not to mention we lost in the final game of districts. so now we dont get to move up to C2 because of earlier, and we dont get to go to state. which hurts even more because we were one game away in each. and now that Matt gets to go to state is good for him, it just is... whats the word.... well whatever. you know what i mean.
and theres the fact that im now in a sling which sucks more than the heat. and i hate it but my arm still really hurts so im supposed to keep it on >.<
and theres such a high amount of total bullshit going on its not even funny, isnt helping the summer blues.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


well then. thats interesting.

again, nothing new.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

happy passed holidays

fourth of july. (happy passed independence day)
fireworks, and explosives, and yay. and watching star wars until one am!
and then the afterwords: family friends coming over for more fireworks, swimming, and eating.
cabins can be odd places, everyone had thier own fireworks, so after we were done with ours for the night we just hung out on the dock to watch 'em. other then that, nothing much to report.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

what the..?!

Confusion: (noun) 1. The act of confusing. *thats real helpful*
2. the state of being confused *hmm...*
3. disorder; upheaval; tumult; chaos *Thats more like it!*

(above definition from

the truth: Confusion: the act of one's brain making sure that at no time or moment is one ever
sure of themselves, the world around them, or anything that one thinks they know for a
fact or opinion.



eat me.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


i dont like doctors.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


i got a hair cut. or many hairs cut. any way you want to look at it. so i was down and out for a few days, which sucked. and i managed to miss a soccer practise and a couple games because of it. which kinda makes me mad. but at least im fine for the tourney this weekend. yay.

Monday, June 16, 2008

turtles, lakes and other things

i got bit by a turtle yesterday. when trying to save it from these boys who were harassing it. and so i saved it, getting bit by the process. and so i got to spend some time at the docs. no stitches or anything, which is good. so afterword i got to go for a walk with my mom and my 2 youngest siblings around the lake. it was pretty cool. ya. i've been looking for photography galleries around here, and if theyre interestiong to go to. i know of two, but i havent been to either. and im planning on going to that hopefully interesting exhibit at the science museum, or i want to. yay.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hmm (and other thoughts)

hope your guys' summers have been good. actually, great. but ya. soooo.... ive decided to be sure to get back up to speed on my guitar. and bike alot. and keep my room clean. oh, and ive decided what i will be. and so ive desided to start the school search to get me there.
ya. kinda weird. im sure plenty of you are like "how dont you know where you want to go?" or something along those lines. maybe not. i dunno. all i know is that no matter how great summer is, it doesnt really seem summer-y. and yes, the weather today challenges that fact. ive been outside since 9:30 though, and considering the fact im not really a sunshine person, thats pretty good. or not. and im sorta rambling. so yaaaa. see you guys around.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


summer is here! woohoo! i finally finished Under The Banner Of Heaven, but I could go on a rather long rant if i decided to talk about that. At the cabin i decided to try kayaking, and i loved it. so thats on the agenda [if anyone wants to join me, feel free (: ] of course, the person i was borrowing from told me to go ahead and use it, because he lives in tx, so he doesnt get out there much. and so i was kayaking, and manage to get pulled of by the sheriff due to not have registered the kayak since it was above 9' and i didnt know. lucky, i managed to get off with jsut a warning. other then that i mostly have just been playing soccer and reading. oh, and running. running is a good chunk of my morning. Ya, so all in all, so far so good.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


its official. LRT is there to take up time that could be useful as a study hall. OR EVEN BETTER! to add on extra projects and stuff that will be the end of me! X.X
the art fair was cool though. And i got some new cassettes. woohoo! (yaaa. mood swing, anyone?)
anyone know of any cassette stores in the area? i know of only one.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


oh. my. gosh.
so after the band concert (by the way, you guys rocked) i went to DQ with EvC and LJ and we saw a ton of people there. Like PB and AS and TG and a ton of people. and so i had an artic rush, and practically died from the sugar. those who saw probably thought i was insane :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Long Time, No See

havent posted in a while. Ive had a lot of homework and stuff going on. Ive barely had time to read anything the past few days, other then One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest which im reading for LA since ive already read the book theyre doing twice. Ive gotten about 4 pages past the prologue of Under The Banner of Heaven.
and i cant wait for summer. school has gone on and on and on and on this year.

Friday, April 18, 2008


my brother nearly burned down the house today. with POPCORN of all things! our block has issues with fire. multiple neighbors, and now us, have had similar problems with it. hehe.
oh, and now im all caught up wiht my homework! even with my braindead-no-good-very-uber-stupid big testing that are such a peice of shxt i cant even describe how much i think that thier pointless.
im rarely on the computer anymore. my sports are taking up a lot of time. just this weekend, i have 3-4 practises. im normally only on for homework now. which, by the way, Smartmusic sucks (if any of you have to do that). ugh.
(ok that post went from happy to like, icky-moodish. how odd)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

im baa-aack!

im back! florida was pretty cool. i got tons of shells, and got to be a lazy person who layed on the beach so that they could read. i finished New Moon, Eclipse, and then another book called It Had To Be You. so, i got through some reading. the weather was fantastic, and the drive there and back was beautiful. OH! and i stayed over (and spent plently of time in) Sarasota, and for those of you in geometry, that name might sound familiar. actually, Mr. L kind of was the one to suggest it to me... anyway, i got back at midnight last night, whihc isnt the best, but oh well.
Hope everyone had a nice break, and is bracing themselves for school :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Gossip And Spring Break

rumors suck. and i know im not the only feeling the pain. (im sure at least some of you know which rumor im talking about, since its going on about 2 of my friends). whoever actually desides that thier going to take the time of day to say bxllshxt stuff about people, then take the time to spread it around, REALLY needs a life. honestly. especially when it comes to the "did you know that so and so are going out?" or "i heard these two people are so totally gay!"
1- whos going out wiht who really isnt that big of deal. yes, i admit it can be interesting, but its not the center of the universe. specially not at our age. 2- there is nothing wrong wiht being gay/bi/etc. honestly, is that really worthy of gossip? ugh. get a life folks.
On a happier note: spring break. hallelujah. much needed. anyone going anywhere? im going to FL, though i dont know where. heaven forbid my family actually plan something out. though just driving into 2am storms and who-knows-what trying to find a hotel makes it all the more interesting :)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ughhhh. LRT's a Pain

i hate LRT. not the class, jsut the work (ok, that shows im lazy). im mostly done, but now my printer isnt working. Go figure. so now i have to wait for my cousins to leave so i can help my stepdad fix it. other then that, ive taken a lotta pics lately. and Easters tomorow. so then i can eat candy and soda agian. which isnt that big of deal.
OH. so i had soccer today. and way to go to most of the girls, i wonder why thier there. they dont want to play. they want to stand there and do minimal work and look at thier cells, even though coach has told them the rules agianst cells. It drives me up the wall. some days, i have to use all my energy just to not kick the ball at thier heads!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


nothing to really talk about today. so i guess ill say that Lent is almost over and so that i can almsot eat candy agian. and drink soda, but i dont really care for the soda anyway so thats not a big deal. i could really go for a reeses. yaaaa :)
oh, and not to meantion that lunch has become a place of food fights at our table. how fun :D

Thursday, March 13, 2008


i dont even know where to begin. this blogs kinda just became a place where im all.... like sad and angry. weird, huh? not really. so now ive deisded something ive wanted to say for a long time. most people dont notice anything. it doesnt matter what it is. and soon as they notice something so plain about you that they wouldnt really notice or a change about you, they fraeak. especially if its not "cool" or "normal". but anything, say, BAD about someone and thye nwont notice. never have a clue. whats up wiht that?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Ignorant People

ok- now reading through this i realize there are parts when i dont even make sense. eek!

im not even going to start wiht a greeting. thatll get this no where. im jsut really freaking pissed off becuase someoneeeee keeps going "are you mad at me? are you mad at me? are you mad at me?" and all i want to say is go to hell but 456789gagillion times i sucked it up and said no. so she puts every little freaking reason why she thinks im mad at her on the table. all TWO reasons. and you know what? its jsut becuase she was a little stupid bxtch i finally snapped. finally. effing. snapped. and now SHES mad at ME. since i told her that she asked me how i was doing afret i had jsut been througha class that i know she knows that i hate and that a specific group of people in that class had jsut been picking on me for the last hour in a half, so for the 15 minutes before she had asked me that i hate been biting through my hand, staring at the wall, and trying not to cry. becuase thats what i do. i try not to take it out on other people, so when she asked me (and i was still practically crying, mind you) she starts a CHEERY conversation. saying this and that. on her FOURTH line in (and totally oblivious to me) she asks how im feeling. like she expects me to say : oh, ive never been better. im so glad you asked! how are you?. and so i gave her the death stare. i dindt even trust myself to speak. not a single word. and i walk away before she can see me cry. which is where this post began. and so now shes like "im so sorry for being nice" and being a total axxhxle about it. saying stuff like "well you had been being nice" and other stuff ot piss me off more. and you know which type of girl this is? the one of those poeple i have stood to protect like no effing other. when i see her making frinends with poeople i think are going to hurt her or somehting, i tell her. i help her wiht everything. hear her rant about everything. and all that jazz so that shes actually happy, since i know she struggles with it. and i jsut want to scream right now. thats all i can do. theres nothing to get the anger out. im nearly crying, while biting my lip, and shaking. nothings helping. not even my writing, which normally helps. the one of two things that can help me. and nothing is working. and now shes mad at me. and its all my fault.

PS. this was an anger post, and there really isnt any use in reading it. its jsut a vent.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

albino blacksheep

im the keeper of good and bad news. good or bad first? alright, good. i have no homework ( i didnt say it was good for YOU) and so i can do what i want tonight. whichll probably be working on upcoming projects. or more realistically, nothing. the bad news is, were having pork chops for dinner. ick. thats gotta be a meal that your mom (or dad, i guess) puts in front of you to torture you. whatever happened to maybe, something like, FAMILY PIZZA NIGHT? ok, the second matter of bad new is that i almost am dreading school. the "lets go hide tals pencil bag to annoy the snot outta her" is not a way to make it on my who-will-live-to-be-eighteen list. Herr probably thinks ive like, a social disorder. WHICH BRINGS ME TO THIS. i had the most ridiculous arguement with my father last night. over being "normal". since i am not 100% "normal", i guess im supposed to mold into being "normal". who the heck sets these standards anyway? bascically the point he seemed to be getting across was if your not narmal, your abnormal, if you abnormal, your weird, and no one likes weird people. this was ridiculous. absolutely ridiculous. no other way to put it other then using a bad word. so now im pretty much the albino blacksheep of the family. not exactly wanted by the "normal people" and not wanted by the outcasts. oh-so-what. ill live. ill prove to them that individuality is a good thing, and just because im one-of-a-kind doesnt make me a freak. even if it did, is that such a bad thing anyway?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Nothings Up

nothing really new. i just feel like posting. so, here i am. posting. a very short post. BUT- volleyball starts soon! YAY! and since ive soccer practise tonight, life aint bad :) and while CF is drivinf up the wall (just barely short of AZ) and not in a bad way, i think CF hit it on the head: i like the attention. which is weird, since you put me with a big group, and i keel over and die. so, i dunno. mayvbe ive like multiple personality disoder or like bipolor or (OMG! we couldnt figure this one out!) SAD. so, who knows

Thursday, February 28, 2008


so im planning on going to the movies this weekend, since its been awhile and i have next to none for a social life. any suggestions?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Weekends *shakes head*

it has been the longest, shortest weekend ever. it is seemingly taking forever to get through these 2 (And an half if you count friday night) days, but its also been really short. its the oddest thing. And ive already finished my homework, so i guess i should just go and read. but for once, i dont really feel like reading. or drawing. or getting my camera out. Yet, at the same time, im going stir-crazy. it must be Earth-stopped-turning weekend or something.
Oh well, ill go find something productive to do.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Fun Fun Fun

so, im going to the elementary school carnival deal tonihgt. it should be interesting. i didnt even go to that elemtary school, but im going wiht my friends and itll be fun. i dont even live all that far from the school. i also have some homework, but that can wait. thank gosh its the weekend. i was going, like, nutty at school.
right now im making mac and cheese. and not that kraft stuff out of the box. but im not making homemade either, even though i make some killer homemade mac and cheese, if i do say so myself. im making some organic stuff. to my brothers shock, it tastes incredibley good from something that isnt kraft. i dont know why he even likes that stuff, but oh well. and now to go eat that dinner (:

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ahho! Math Class Ahead!

so ive been working on homework, and ive desided to take a break. especially from math. my assignment includes (and im not kidding, i counted) seven full proofs, not including those A- B- C- answering thing ones. well, i like proofs *gasp from audience* but thats a lot. All good things in moderation. though the good thing be not homework. i really dont have much to do tonight though, other then tetris. so i suppose this would be a good night to finish it.
Oh, and so were having a connect four tourniment in class. i am playing a friend of mine, TC, who is insanely good at the game. good for him. weve played one of our three games (he defeated me on that first game) but hopefully ill corner him next round. and hey, when hes in that championship round other then me, ill cheer him on. ill just hope i get one win out of playing him.
who knows, maybe ill be the one to go the the champ round? HA long shot. now back to proofs.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day (ugh)

so its valentines day. big deal. big flipping whoop. of course, i wore pink, and red, and sparkles, and a heart today. and you know what? Cupid isnt even immortal. i shot him. straight in the flippin heart. then in the butt. and you know with what? a stupid heart arrow hes always shooting at everyone else. Who needs Valentines Day, when shouldnt we be spreading the love every day? its just an excuse people use to go to parties or get a date or waht not. not to be downer of the bunch, of course. oh well. its only a day a year. ill live. Though i love how days where your just looking around (if your me) you notice a whole lot. Like who is actually really mean. and who actually seems to see you. im shocked [all right, not really. i just didnt want to admit this type of stuff before. how selfish of me]
oh, and the zoo (for the Deutsch trip) was awesome yesterday. kind of chaotic, but it rocked. i love the trip to the zoo. i always get put with my friends in my group, so its not like im with people i dont really know. ohhhhhhhh yaaaaaaaaa. four day weekend, so party on (:

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Long Days

it has seemed to be the longest week ever. time is passing so slow! my brother has a hockey tourniemnt this weekend, so i get a vacation... i think? i desperately need one. its like the Shakespeare of dramas in my school life, and im sick of it. From people calling me liars and backstabbing each other and just a load of crap. its so pointless. just trying to focus on schoolwork is hard enough, but throw the Ophelias into the mix and its ridiculous. oh well. things can only get better, right?

PS. Thanks (you know who you are)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Hey there,
i was bored. thats why i came online. not that this helped, since it didnt.
today at lunch it was like pick on tal day. talking about that people say im fat, that im stupid, that im incredibly slow. i dont let it get me down or anything, but it does get annoying. oh, and my least favorite, people say im retarded. that is just cruel that they use that as an insult. and the fact that people single a person out to tease them or be mean to is jsut terrible. hopefully tomorow will be better.

Monday, January 28, 2008


guten morgen,
So weve a day off from school (WOOOOOHOOOO), and my brother is going with his friends/ my friends brother to go bowling. me, however, seems to be housearrest. since everyone is either busy or alone that ive been able to get ahold of it looks like im stuck here. though not everyone gets up before ten o clock on a vacation day anyway so maybe theres hope (:
We [alright, my mom, since she forgot to tell me when she was making the cookies after telling me i could help] make cookies today. peanutbutter-chocolate chip YAY! i dont even n ormally like cookies. i jsut like the dough xD
so now i shall leave you to go eat a cookie

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Another Doc

So im sick. yet agian. i apparently had a relapse of what i had last time or somehting and so know it hurts to even breathe. fun for the long weekend, right? wrong. its terrible. but at least ive books to pass the time. i just finished The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom and i read the Uglies series. i also finsihed It Girls lastest book, Lucky. and so now i leave you again for a while to go read another book called Thirteen Reasons Why which is proving to be very interesting

Friday, January 25, 2008

its been a while

its been awhile. a long time. but i actually ahve something to say today. something that goes along the lines of "bumber stickers that say 'im the proud parent of a neverheardofcity Elemtary school Honor Roll!' " its like, GET A LIFE. 1- elementry schools dont even HAVE honor rolls, like, 99.99999999% of the time. 2- whats the point in saying that to a bunch of strangers? 3- goodness, in like a year youre kid wont even be at that school anymore and itll jsut be an embarressment to your child. it is SO unnecessary to brag like that! why not just at least have an OPINION or something funny to say if you have a bumber sticker! JEEZ.
ok, moving on. so basically im jsut been doing other stuff and i probalby wont be on here much more often then once every 2 weeks. forgive me for having a life away from cyberspace.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

happy 2008!

hey yal,
ok, its been awhile. ive been sick. and out of town. i went to Colorado. and ive read. im reading Jane Austen, and i just finished Tuesdays With Morrie (Mitch Albom). its was incredible. i hope its messages spread out to others, and not just me. same goes for the movie The Ultimate Gift which, unbeliveable, i had to explain to my brother. i loved the movie, and hope that it touches others as well
happy 2008! keep your resolutions (which by the way, need to be something other that lose weight. unless that is a problem to your health, lets not fall victim to harsh culture)